Pulmonaria ‘Diane Clare’



Elevate Your Garden with the Enchanting Beauty of Pulmonaria ‘Diane Clare’

Introducing Pulmonaria ‘Diane Clare,’ a botanical marvel that will enchant your garden with its unique and captivating charm. This perennial gem, also known as Lungwort, is a symbol of nature’s artistry, adding a touch of elegance and intrigue to your outdoor sanctuary.

Standing at heights of 8 to 12 inches, ‘Diane Clare’ showcases its exquisite foliage, a tapestry of silver-spotted, lance-shaped leaves. But what truly sets it apart are its enchanting flowers – delicate clusters of tubular blossoms that transition from soft pink to deep violet-blue as they age. This striking color transformation creates a visual symphony that is nothing short of mesmerizing.

Pulmonaria ‘Diane Clare’ is a resilient and low-maintenance addition to any garden. It thrives in partial to full shade, making it an excellent choice for shaded corners or woodland settings. Its blooms typically grace your garden from early to late spring, attracting pollinators like bees and hummingbirds.

With Pulmonaria ‘Diane Clare,’ you can embrace the beauty of unique and shade-loving plants in your garden. Let its ever-changing blossoms and silver-spotted foliage create an enchanting atmosphere, drawing admirers and pollinators alike. Order now and cultivate a garden masterpiece that showcases nature’s fascinating artistry.


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Pulmonaria 'Diane Clare'
