


Plant name: Chives

Other names

Scientific Name: Allium schoenoprasum

Category: Bulbous Herbaceous Perennial

Plant family: Alliaceae

Light preference: Sun/ Partial- shade

Soil preference: Chalk, Clay, Loam, sand, acid, neutral, well-drained

Flowering/fruiting month: May- June


  • 0.1 – 0.5 meters height
  • 0.1 meters spread


Chives are an absolute must in a garden in my opinion. I rarely eat them to be honest, I just leave them for the bees. Their flowers are an absolute wildlife magnet!! They’re so easy and so effective!


Chives don’t require too much care. They are worth dead heading because this keeps the flower strong and the spent flowers can look quite ugly. They’re easy to divide if you want to build your stocks as they form a strong clump!


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